Calls to Kiribati
It is enough to have PC or mobile phone with internet access to make cheap calls to Kiribati from any country of the World. If you have any of them then we have collected internet-calling rates to Kiribati from popular VoIP brands in below rates chart. Tariffs can easily be compared to make choose cheapest rate.
The cheapest landline calling rate to Kiribati, according our chart, is € 0.6130 by VoipRaider brand. Mobile number calling to Kiribati best rate is € 0.6130 per min at VoipRaider.
Calling rates to Kiribati
VoIP brand | Landline | Mobile | Updated |
VoipRaider | 0.6130 € | 0.6130 € | 11/10/2024 |
How to start calling to Kiribati thought Internet?
To make VoIP call to Kiribati via Internet you should register an account at one of the VoIP brand web-site! At voip programs website Download page you can find applications for various devices - PC, tablets, mobile. Choose and download the application suitable for your device.
How to charge your VoIP account?
To have oportunity to make call to Kiribati you should buy voip credits. Payment methods avalable in your area you can find at "Buy Credits" page in accout page. If available payment options are not suitable for you, you can try to top-up your account at VoIP reselling service web-sites:, — choose your favorite reseller site.
How to make a call by VoIP application?
After you setted up application and charged your VoIP accout, you are ready to make call to Kiribati. To make call to Kiribati just dail the phone number in international format:
+ 686 Kiribati country code - region code or mobile operator code - phone number
— Also, instead of + (plus) you can dail 00 (double zero)